
LS Central supports Replenishment processes for retailers with:

  • No warehouse
  • One warehouse
  • Multiple warehouses.

In a setup with no warehouse, all purchase orders are delivered directly to the stores. In a setup with multiple warehouses, stores need to be assigned to warehouses for all or selected items.


The goals of this step:

  • Get a detailed understanding of the retailer's company structure and the warehouse structure.
  • Create a topology drawing
  • Select the right model in LS Central
  • Set up warehouses in LS Central.

Key questions / considerations


  • How many warehouses are in use?

Other considerations:

  • Are the warehouses' processes covered by Business Central or an external WMS?
    • If external:
      • How is the WMS integrated?
      • Which systems own the truth of stock quantities?
      • Which documents are transferred between the systems?


  • Topology drawings, list of warehouses (see examples here):

    (Click to enlarge)

    (Click to open)

LS Central setup considerations

Covered in the detail sections.

Options See
No warehouse No Warehouses
One warehouse One Warehouse
Multiple warehouses Multiple Warehouses

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