Adjac. Drop Tbl. w/Trans., Dining Area

This field indicates which action you want the program to perform each time you have dragged and dropped a dining table with transactions adjacent to another free or occupied dining table. The options are:

  • No Action – The program will not perform any action.
  • Transfer Check-Tbl. Back – The program automatically finds the adjacent dining table and prompts you whether you want to transfer the transactions to this table. After that it moves the dragged table back to where it was before (whether or not you decided to transfer the transactions).
  • Transfer Check – The program automatically finds the adjacent dining table and prompts you whether you want to transfer the transactions to this table. The dining table stays in the position you have dragged it to.
  • Transfer Check-Confirm Joining – The program automatically finds the adjacent dining table and prompts you whether you want to transfer the transactions to this table. The dining table stays in the position you have dragged it to. Then the program asks you whether you want to join the two tables.
  • Joining Check – The program automatically finds the adjacent dining table and prompts you whether you want to join the tables. It transfers the transactions to the adjacent table.