How to Plan Put-aways in Worksheets

If your location requires both put-away and receive processing, and you want to plan put-away instructions for a number of receipts, rather than have employees follow the instructions that the program creates for separate posted receipts, you can use the put-away worksheet.

To set up your warehouse so that receipt lines are available to you in the put-away worksheet as soon as they are posted, select the Use Put-away Worksheet field on the Warehouse FastTab of the location card. For more information, see Setting Up Warehouse Management.

If you do not select this field, the program will automatically create put-away instructions for receipts as they are posted.


Regardless of the status of the Use Put-away Worksheet field on the location card, you can always get put-away instruction lines, that is, posted receipt lines, into the put-away worksheet by doing the following:

  1. In the Warehouse Put-away window, press Ctrl+D to delete the entire put-away instruction, or select the lines that you want to process in the worksheet and delete them.
  2. Continue the process in as many put-aways as you wish, until you have deleted the lines you want to work on in the worksheet. Now choose Put-away Worksheets and proceed with planning.

To plan instructions in the put-away worksheet

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Put-away Worksheet, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose the Get Warehouse Documents action. The Put-away Selection window opens.

    You see all the posted receipts and registered internal put-aways that have been forwarded to the put-away function, including those for which put-away instructions have already been created. Documents with put-away lines that have been completely put away and registered are not shown on this list.

  3. Select the documents that you want to work on in the worksheet. You can work on lines from several documents at the same time.


    If you try to select a receipt or internal put-away document for which you have already created instructions for all its lines, the program informs you that there is nothing to handle.

  4. Fill in the Sorting Method field to sort the lines the way you prefer.


    The way the lines are sorted in the worksheet does not carry through automatically to the put-away instruction, but the same sorting possibilities exist, along with bin ranking. The line order you plan in the worksheet is thus easily recreated when you create the put-away instructions or by sorting in the put-away instructions.

  5. Fill in the Qty. to Handle field. Choose the Autofill Handle action, or fill in the fields manually.

  6. If necessary, edit the lines manually. You can delete lines, for example, if some items need to be put away in a bin far away from the bins for the other items.


    Lines deleted are only deleted from this worksheet, not from the put-away selection list.

  7. Choose the Create Put-away action. The Create Document window opens, where you can add more information to the put-away you are creating, as follows:

    • You can assign the put-away to a specific employee.
    • You can sort the put-away instruction lines as you did in the worksheet or by bin ranking. When you sort according to bin ranking, the Take lines appear first, since most receipt bins have a 0 bin ranking, and the Place lines appear last, starting with the bins with the lowest bin ranking. If you have structured your warehouse so bins of similar bin ranking are side by side, sorting lines in this way will ultimately save steps for your warehouse employees.
    • You can choose not to see the intermediate lines created when the program breaks a larger unit of measure to smaller units of measure by selecting the Set Breakbulk Filter field. For more information, see How to: Enable Automatic Breaking Bulk with Directed Put-away and Pick.
    • You can choose not to have the Qty. to Handle field automatically filled in on the put-away instructions.
    • You can choose to print the document immediately.
  8. Choose the OK button, and the program creates the put-away according to your requests.

See Also

Warehouse Management
Setting Up Warehouse Management
Assembly Management
Design Details: Warehouse Management
Working with Dynamics NAV

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