Creating Cost Budgets
Budgeting in cost accounting resembles budgeting in the general ledger. A cost budget is created based on cost types just as a budget for the general ledger is created based on general ledger accounts.
A cost budget is created for a certain period of time, for example, a fiscal year. You can create as many cost budgets as needed. You can create a new cost budget manually, or by importing a cost budget, or by copying an existing cost budget as the budget base. For more information, see How to: Create Budgets.
You use the following windows to create and analyze cost budgets. Choose the icon to find a window, and then read the tooltip for each.
To | See |
Transfer budgets from the general ledger. | Copy G-L Budget to Cost Acctg. batch job |
Copy cost budgets. | Copy Cost Budget batch job |
Allocate budgets. | Cost Allocation page |
See cost budget registers and cost budget entries. | Cost Budget Registers page |
Print cost budget comparisons using various reports. | Cost Acctg. Balance-Budget report Cost Acctg. Statement-Budget report Cost Budget by Cost Center report Cost Budget by Cost Object report |
See Also
Accounting for Costs
How to: Create Budgets
Terminology in Cost Accounting
Defining and Allocating Costs
Working with Dynamics NAV
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